Adwords Support

Bobbie Grennier
Bobbie Grennier does Google Search Marketing, My Business/Places Optimization, Google+ Local SEO. Google Local Pro offers Advanced My Business Consulting and Santa Cruz Web Designer, Local SEO, Internet Marketing.

Google Adwords Support Page

It’s one of the hardest pages to find on the internet, and yet one of most important to know about if you are using Google Adwords to advertise your business. I grabbed the page information for my clients to easily access any time they need it.

It is great to see Google making more of an effort to provide customer services and user relationships with their various businesses.

Google Adwords Support: “We’re here, and we’d love to help.”

The Google Ads Team is available now, and with five different ways to get answers, you can simply choose the best one for you. We’re here, and we’d love to help your business succeed with Google. Learn more about how to contact us for help with other Google products.

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Talk with the Google ads team from 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday at 1-866-2GOOGLE (1-866-246-6453).Calling from a different country? See our full list of phone numbers.
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Get immediate help online during the business hours listed above. Live Googlers are standing by! Chat now.
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Adwords Support from Google Local Pro in Santa Cruz, CA serving the Local Search SEO community in Mountain View , California .

Google Local Places SEO in Mountain View , California

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Google+ Local Pro
. Santa CruzCA95062 USA 
 • (831) 854-7447

Santa Cruz Local SEO

Google Local SEO services
Bobbie Grennier
Bobbie Grennier does Google Search Marketing, My Business/Places Optimization, Google+ Local SEO. Google Local Pro offers Advanced My Business Consulting and Santa Cruz Web Designer, Local SEO, Internet Marketing.


Google Places Optimization


Now that Google is working with more than thirty times as many Local business searches as the Yellow Pages, making your company findable to your customers online is crucial. The Google Local Pro Google + (plus) Places Optimization services give your business the best possible opportunity to reach your clients, instead of your competition.Bobbie Grennier is a Reputation Marketing Pro at managing how your company’s data is listed in all your online citation directories, in a way that ensures your business is found in Google Local Search and Google Plus results.


Google+ Local SEO

Google search engine
has changed our world, even in Santa Cruz, CA small business owners must now participate fully online to reach their customer base. Local search directories such as Google Places, and the Bing Business Portal are now directing their focus on delivering targeted results to the ever-growing number of users who rely on search engines to provide complete localized business results.

Google’s mobile search services are also taking full advantage of the massive number of smart-phone users who find products and services near their location by searching on their cell phones and mobile devices. There are now five times as many Local Business Searches being carried out by smart-phone users as there were just two years ago. Is your business updated to the current systems? Are your clients finding you? If not, then you should give me a call and let me help you get your Local business on the internet map.


Google+ Local Specialist



At its Inside Search event on June 14th 2011, Google announced a number of major improvements to its local search services, as well as a number of other core products. It’s designed to make searching for local business information (for Santa Cruz) even easier for the growing number of users accessing Google from their smart-phones. Google’s search products open huge possibilities for your business to reach the increasing number of new clients searching for you.


Santa Cruz Local SEO

Google+ Local SEO


Santa Cruz SEO

Local SEO in Santa Cruz

5-star service with excellent results! Got my business on the first page of Google.

Rating by JR: 5.0 stars

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Zip code local search Santa Cruz County California

Bobbie Grennier
Bobbie Grennier does Google Search Marketing, My Business/Places Optimization, Google+ Local SEO. Google Local Pro offers Advanced My Business Consulting and Santa Cruz Web Designer, Local SEO, Internet Marketing.

Zip code local search Santa Cruz County California

Santa Cruz County Zip Code
Aptos 95003
Aromas in San Benito, Monterey,
and Santa Cruz Counties
Ben Lomond 95005
Boulder Creek 95006
Brookdale 95007
Capitola 95010
Davenport 95017
Felton 95018
Freedom 95019
Mount Hermon 95041
Santa Cruz 95060
Scotts Valley 95066
Soquel 95073
Watsonville 95076
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Local Shopping Search

Mobile Local Shopping Search
Bobbie Grennier
Bobbie Grennier does Google Search Marketing, My Business/Places Optimization, Google+ Local SEO. Google Local Pro offers Advanced My Business Consulting and Santa Cruz Web Designer, Local SEO, Internet Marketing.

Wowzers! Your customers are using their mobile devices to shopping locally; 64% of shoppers are using tablets to conduct weekly local searches, while 61% said they use their smartphones. Not only do you need to be ranking for Google Local Search, but your website better be mobile friendly.

This infographic (courtesy of Milo outlines the 5th Annual Local Search Usage study conducted by comScore) highlights search trends among consumers. Retailers like you should use their online presence to increase foot traffic into your brick-and-mortar store(s).

Local Shopping Search – Mobile

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Mobile Local Shopping Search

Tablets & Smartphones in Local Places Searching

NYC payphones get revived as touch-screen tablets. CNET. They are free to access and generate revenue via local advertising. People can use the tablets to get information on local restaurants nearby stores tourist attractions and traffic updates. The booths also provide access to the city’s 311 complaint and more.… NYC payphones get revived as touch-screen tablets CNET

Search Engine Land. Study Consumers Who Own Smartphones And Tablets Do Average Of 21 Local Search Engine Land. Based on a survey of 1,100 US adults the study found that 40 percent of survey respondents used local search daily and that 70 percent of smartphone owners use location-aware mobile apps. It also discovered that consumers who own smartphones tablets Report Identifies Avid Local Search Users 50 of All SearchesStreet Fight. all 11 news articles.… Study Consumers Who Own Smartphones And Tablets Do Average Of 21 Local Search Engine Land

What growing tablet market means for gadget-lovers. Cleburne Times-Review. Analysts expect tablets to be a top gift this year as the appeal of the devices grows to a wider audience looking to move up from e-readers or down from laptops. It will probably be a make-or-break few months for new market entrants including Best and more.… What growing tablet market means for gadget-lovers Cleburne Times-Review

The Stir. 5 Reasons Every Mom Should Buy Herself a Tablet. The Stir. In another life I was one of those people who was all Boo to tablets I like real books And I still do prefer real books. But I couldn’t tell you the last time I had time on my hands to while away the hours perusing my local bookstore. But I do.… 5 Reasons Every Mom Should Buy Herself a Tablet The Stir

Bargain hunters snap up tablets at Computer City sale. Royal Gazette. A sales representative said the line was out the door during the morning as people queued up hoping to get their hands on the hot Apple iPad and other tablets that were selling for 700 to 1,200 but reduced 20 percent for the sale. All of them just.… Bargain hunters snap up tablets at Computer City sale Royal Gazette

Google Local Places SEO in Mountain View , California

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