Local Press Release

Bobbie Grennier
Bobbie Grennier does Google Search Marketing, My Business/Places Optimization, Google+ Local SEO. Google Local Pro offers Advanced My Business Consulting and Santa Cruz Web Designer, Local SEO, Internet Marketing.
Local press release, Dr Z Screening Press Release 2011

Local press release, Press Release

According to Google, 40% of mobile searches are focused on a Local market, and by 2014, mobile internet use will probably overtake desktop internet use. That means that every small business must jump on mobile search optimization. You want to attract and sell to a local audience? Then you need Local Search Optimization.

Local is the New Black

Step One: Evaluate your target audience.

You absolutely must focus on local marketing if you business  includes restaurants, retail shops like dog grooming, salons, health, fitness, etc. That includes all professional services and so on.

If your small business marketing strategy already includes a focus on local optimization, leverage your customer database to mine data and potentially uncover new opportunities.

Customers outside the area of the city; outside of your specific location. In this case, you’d your local optimization efforts to include information relevant to that part of the city and ultimately cultivate new clients.

Step Two: Three steps to the Local search landscape

When uncovering local optimization opportunities, review the Google analytics for your specific local location. You would be looking for:

  1. Broad, competitive phrases where you are not on page one in Google’s natural web search engine. Maybe your site showed up in local results like  “dentist”.
  2. Broad, Geo-Modified phrases like “Santa Cruz dentist”.
  3. Specific, Geo-Modified phrases like “Santa Cruz Westside dentist”.

Step Three: Test Searches

Where is your site ranking for the search terms that send traffic to your website? And, what about those terms that aren’t sending traffic but are relevant?

Try variations including different search engines, mobile vs. desktop, and even do test searches when you are away from your location for a more realistic experience. Also, do this type of search analysis when you are logged out of your Gmail account.

Step Four: What have you got?

  • Keywords where your site is getting traffic, but could benefit from higher visibility.
  • Keywords where your site is not on the search engines natural page one ranking, but should be.

Step Five: Apply Local Optimization

When leveraging the keywords identified in your test searches, you can apply local optimization to the following:

  • Google+ Local (formerly known as Google Places)
    1. Make sure you set up and optimize local listings, which is a critical step in alerting Google to your location(s).
  • Your Website
    1. Identify opportunities to incorporate keywords into the site that represent high-priority phrases. Key pages include: home page, about us, locations and contact us page.
  • Content (Blog Posts, Press Releases and Social Media)
    1. Blog Posts – Create a series of localized content, such as a blog post featuring each location and what makes each one unique.
    2. Press Releases – Localizing your city, MSA, keyword optimization in the post and boiler plate, press releases offer strong local optimization.
    3. Social Media – leverage your blog posts featuring your location(s) within social media content, your customers, new offerings, local video, etc. to create a larger online footprint of locally optimized content.

Step Six: Localize and Measure

Localize whenever you can. Benchmark your current results so you can understand what’s working and what’s not post-optimization.

Here are a few optimized items to measure along the way:

  1. Sales.
  2. Foot Traffic (if appropriate).
  3. Changes or Increases in search engine traffic (keyword referrals).
  4. Search Visibility.
  5. Referrals from Social Media or Press Release Channels.

With mobile searches increasing, and search engines making a more concerted effort to deliver local results across a wide spectrum of keyword-based phrases, you have to start optimizing for local audiences. You need to be doing your fair share of Local Press Releases.

Local Press Release updates….

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Google+ Local Pro
. Santa CruzCA95062 USA 
 • (831) 854-7447

Going Mobile

Bobbie Grennier
Bobbie Grennier does Google Search Marketing, My Business/Places Optimization, Google+ Local SEO. Google Local Pro offers Advanced My Business Consulting and Santa Cruz Web Designer, Local SEO, Internet Marketing.


I’m working with more and more of my clients to help them get their websites mobile compatible for a reasonable amount of investment. Because Google Local Pro works with the WordPress platform, it makes the whole process a lot more streamlined and easier to maintain.

Damien Zamora just read an article by Jamie Turner of the 60 Second Marketer that blew me away. Wanted to share some of the highlights with you, because if you’ve ever needed to convince someone that the world has gone mobile, some of these facts ought to do it.


Going Mobile

Jamie asked Cory Gaddis at Mobilize Worldwide to gather some essential facts about mobile marketing that everyone should know and these are just a few of what he came up with (along with my thoughts):

  • According to Nielsen, 30 million consumers watch television content via their mobile phonesMakes me wonder why I invested so much in my big-screen HD television at home.
  • Gartner says that by 2013, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide. Which is a reminder for all those web designers to brush up on their mobile skills if they want to stay in business.
  • Exact Target reports that 16% of smartphone users report that they have made a purchase as a result of a marketing message they received on their phone. 55% purchased as a result of an email they received on their mobile deviceTurns out email isn’t dead after all.
  • Nielsen also said that in Q3 2011, teens increased their mobile data consumption by 256% over the prior year. I hope their parents had them on unlimited data plans.
  • Inneractive found that there is a direct correlation between the size of a mobile device’s screen and the click-through rate (CTR) the device yields for mobile advertising. For instance, the iPhone yields a 4.35% CTR with a 3.5″ screen, compared to a 6.61% CTR on the iPad‘s 9.7″ screen.

If this isn’t a bit of incentive to make sure mobile is part of your overall marketing plan, I’m not sure what would be.

This market is exploding and the only thing more exciting than watching it happen is figuring out new ways to take advantage of the opportunities it presents.

Maybe you should consider talking to me about making your website mobile-friendly?!

The FUTURE is here. You online business must be mobile compatible in order not to loose business… unless you can afford to loose business. I know I can’t!

Being mobile ready is part of maintaining your online reputation as a business owner. Google Local Places SEO in Mountain View , California

Build it they will come.
Make it easy and they will click.

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